Feedback That Hit Me Back!
How feedback turn me up from desperation
Feedback, input, or advice give a lot of benefits to us whether we like them or not. Sometimes feedback that we don’t like is perhaps the most precious feedback we have ever received, regardless of whether it’s feedback or an offense (though it’s still wrong). We can’t control what feedback is given to us, but we can control how we respond. In my entire life so far, I got a lot of different feedback and advice from diverse people around me. There’s a good one, although there’s also an offending. Once more, it depends too on how we respond and handle it. We can take and grow with it or gives ignorance to it. In this post, I’ll tell you my story about the most memorable feedback that made me grow and helped me to become a better person.
What do feedback and mirror have in common? They both show our true selves
What feedback is that?
My mom told me this after I was accepted to a university that was not the choice I wanted. “Failure to enter the university I want is not the end of your life story; it could be that your success is not there but here.” For me, failing the university selection test hurt me because I have wanted that university since junior high school. I studied and prayed a lot; hopefully, I can be accepted after graduating from high school. Nevertheless, fate said the opposite. I felt desperate because of it. The world has ended, and there’s no chance I’ll succeed anymore.
Fortunately, when all of those things came to my mind, my mom supported me to get out of them. She did not feed plenty of advice to me; instead, she told me a story about her past that is similar to mine and how she went through it. Although it’s not indeed advice or feedback that we usually take, I assume it is, and in fact, it helps me a lot.
How does it help me as a human being?
Every human has their own story, and there are people for it at every level. It happens to everyone, including me, although my mom went through the same thing as me in my case. However, how we handled and went through it are different. My mom used path A, and I used B. But in the end, we all solved it. This experience I’ve had gives me a different view of success. I tend to see success from a material perspective, and only certain people can achieve it (because of their privileges). It’s true, and we all know it. But if we look at success from a different perspective, we can all achieve it.
What’s next from the feedback?
Afterward, I digested the entire story, tried to reflect on myself, and think about what I needed to do next to get out of this hell. Other people can only help me from the outside, but I’m the only one that can make a change from the inside. Thus, I made a choice and decided to accept the situation. Until now, I’m still learning and doing my best and growing as a better person though it’s not where I want it to be.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Hope you all doing well, see you in the next one!
Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you
— Surah Al-Baqarah:216
Thanks to Generasi GIGIH 2.0 for giving me such an opportunity to write this story. Love you all 😀
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